5 Essential Stucco (Pre-Mixed) Base Coat Calculators (2025)

Feel free to check out the various calculators, which comes in handy if you need to estimate the number of bags of pre-mixed stucco base coat material required for your upcoming project. Simply input the total square footage into the calculator, select the thickness of the base coat that's going to be applied on the wall, and click on the calculate button. It's as simple as that!

Note: These calculators are for pre-mixed bags of material, meaning they have the cement, sand and other ingredients all combined, in a dry formula, within the bag. All you have to do is add water, mix it up and apply to the area or areas needing attention.

Quikrete/Sakrete Premixed Stucco Base Coats

The stucco base coat material in premixed bags (Quikrete & Sakrete) that are typically available at Home Depot and Lowes usually weigh around 80 pounds and according to the data sheets, these bags can cover approximately 16 square feet of wall space at a thickness of 1/2". If you're interested in the specs, you can take a look at the PDF spec sheets for Sakrete and Quikrete.

5 Essential Stucco (Pre-Mixed) Base Coat Calculators (1)

5 Essential Stucco (Pre-Mixed) Base Coat Calculators (2)

Calculations are set to 16 sq. feet (1/2" depth) per 80 lb. bag, to allow for variations in application method, ambient temperature, dropped product, etc.

* Yield will vary based on many different factors such as material composition, application method, ambient temperature, water in mix water saturation in wall and other factors.

Rapid Set Premixed Stucco Base Coats

A popular choice among people is Rapid Set products and the two most commonly found are their stucco mix and stucco patch materials. They are both 50 pound bags and yield roughly the same amount, as far as square footage goes. You can see their data sheets here and here, if you want more information.

5 Essential Stucco (Pre-Mixed) Base Coat Calculators (3)

5 Essential Stucco (Pre-Mixed) Base Coat Calculators (4)

Calculations are set to 9.75 sq. feet (1/2" depth) per 50 lb. bag, to allow for variations in application method, ambient temperature, dropped product, etc.

* Yield will vary based on many different factors such as material composition, application method, ambient temperature, water in mix water saturation in wall and other factors.

LaHabra's Pre-Mixed Stucco Base Coats

LaHabra offers two main products that fall into the pre-mixed base coat category and these are labeled as Fastwall and Fiber-47, which is the same thing, just with fibers added into it. Each bag is around 50 pounds and the average yield, according to LaHabra is around 17 square feet. You can view their data specs for Fastwall and Fiber-47 for more information.

5 Essential Stucco (Pre-Mixed) Base Coat Calculators (5)

5 Essential Stucco (Pre-Mixed) Base Coat Calculators (6)

Calculations are set to 17 sq. feet (1/2" depth) per 50 lb. bag, to allow for variations in application method, ambient temperature, dropped product, etc.

* Yield will vary based on many different factors such as material composition, application method, ambient temperature, water in mix water saturation in wall and other factors.

Omega's Pre-Mixed Stucco Base Coats

Omega had its own two options of sanded base coat materials and were labeled as Super Cement Sanded and Diamond Wall Sanded, both being 80 pound bags and having an average yield of around 16 square feet at 1/2" thick. If you want to know more about Super Cement Sanded or Diamond Wall Sanded, then check out the two links provided to see their data sheet.

5 Essential Stucco (Pre-Mixed) Base Coat Calculators (7)

5 Essential Stucco (Pre-Mixed) Base Coat Calculators (8)

Calculations are set to 16 sq. feet (1/2" depth) per 80 lb. bag, to allow for variations in application method, ambient temperature, dropped product, etc.

* Yield will vary based on many different factors such as material composition, application method, ambient temperature, water in mix water saturation in wall and other factors.

Western's Pre-Mixed Stucco Base Coats

Western Blended stucco also offers two main different sanded base coats (more option, but data is similar) that are named Top Gun and Sanded Gray, both 80 pound bags. Their specified yield was averaging around 17 square feet for 1/2" thick applications, and the data sheet for Top gun Sanded and Sanded Gray can be viewed via the links provided.

5 Essential Stucco (Pre-Mixed) Base Coat Calculators (9)

5 Essential Stucco (Pre-Mixed) Base Coat Calculators (10)

Calculations are set to 17 sq. feet (1/2" depth) per 80 lb. bag, to allow for variations in application method, ambient temperature, dropped product, etc.

* Yield will vary based on many different factors such as material composition, application method, ambient temperature, water in mix water saturation in wall and other factors.

Limitations: These calculators are made to give you a general idea of the amount of material you will need. There are so many variables that come into play that can affect the yield of these pre-mixed stucco base coat materials and making an exact guess as to how much you need is hard to do.

5 Essential Stucco (Pre-Mixed) Base Coat Calculators (2025)


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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