What is 407 Divided by 709 Using Long Division? (2024)

Confused by long division? By the end of this article you'll be able to divide 407 by 709 using long division and be able to apply the same technique to any other long division problem you have! Let's take a look.

Want to quickly learn or show students how to solve 407 divided by 709 using long division? Play this very quick and fun video now!

Okay so the first thing we need to do is clarify the terms so that you know what each part of the division is:

  • The first number, 407, is called the dividend.
  • The second number, 709 is called the divisor.

What we'll do here is break down each step of the long division process for 407 divided by 709 and explain each of them so you understand exactly what is going on.

407 divided by 709 step-by-step guide

Step 1

The first step is to set up our division problem with the divisor on the left side and the dividend on the right side, like we have it below:


Step 2

We can work out that the divisor (709) goes into the first digit of the dividend (4), 0 time(s). Now we know that, we can put 0 at the top:


Step 3

If we multiply the divisor by the result in the previous step (709 x 0 = 0), we can now add that answer below the dividend:


Step 4

Next, we will subtract the result from the previous step from the second digit of the dividend (4 - 0 = 4) and write that answer below:


Step 5

Move the second digit of the dividend (0) down like so:


Step 6

The divisor (709) goes into the bottom number (40), 0 time(s), so we can put 0 on top:


Step 7

If we multiply the divisor by the result in the previous step (709 x 0 = 0), we can now add that answer below the dividend:


Step 8

Next, we will subtract the result from the previous step from the third digit of the dividend (40 - 0 = 40) and write that answer below:


Step 9

Move the third digit of the dividend (7) down like so:


Step 10

The divisor (709) goes into the bottom number (407), 0 time(s), so we can put 0 on top:


Step 11

If we multiply the divisor by the result in the previous step (709 x 0 = 0), we can now add that answer below the dividend:


Step 12

Next, we will subtract the result from the previous step from the fourth digit of the dividend (407 - 0 = 407) and write that answer below:


So, what is the answer to 407 divided by 709?

If you made it this far into the tutorial, well done! There are no more digits to move down from the dividend, which means we have completed the long division problem.

Your answer is the top number, and any remainder will be the bottom number. So, for 407 divided by 709, the final solution is:

Remainder 407

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  • <a href="http://visualfractions.com/calculator/long-division/what-is-407-divided-by-709-using-long-division/">What is 407 Divided by 709 Using Long Division?</a>

  • "What is 407 Divided by 709 Using Long Division?". VisualFractions.com. Accessed on July 27, 2024. http://visualfractions.com/calculator/long-division/what-is-407-divided-by-709-using-long-division/.

  • "What is 407 Divided by 709 Using Long Division?". VisualFractions.com, http://visualfractions.com/calculator/long-division/what-is-407-divided-by-709-using-long-division/. Accessed 27 July, 2024.

  • What is 407 Divided by 709 Using Long Division?. VisualFractions.com. Retrieved from http://visualfractions.com/calculator/long-division/what-is-407-divided-by-709-using-long-division/.

Extra calculations for you

Now you've learned the long division approach to 407 divided by 709, here are a few other ways you might do the calculation:

  • Using a calculator, if you typed in 407 divided by 709, you'd get 0.574.
  • You could also express 407/709 as a mixed fraction: 0 407/709
  • If you look at the mixed fraction 0 407/709, you'll see that the numerator is the same as the remainder (407), the denominator is our original divisor (709), and the whole number is our final answer (0).

Long Division Calculator

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Next Long Division Problem

Eager for more long division but can't be bothered to type two numbers into the calculator above? No worries. Here's the next problem for you to solve:

What is 407 divided by 710 using long division?

Random Long Division Problems

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What is 407 Divided by 709 Using Long Division? (2024)


What is 407 divided by? ›

The number 407 is divisible by 1, 11, 37, 407. For a number to be classified as a prime number, it should have exactly two factors. Since 407 has more than two factors, i.e. 1, 11, 37, 407, it is not a prime number.

What is 75 divided by 4 in long division? ›

Place this digit in the quotient on top of the division symbol. Multiply the newest quotient digit (8) by the divisor 4 . Subtract 32 from 35 . The result of division of 75÷4 75 ÷ 4 is 18 with a remainder of 3 .

What are the factors of 407? ›

The factors of 407 are 1, 11, 37, 407 and its negative factors are -1, -11, -37, -407.

How do you calculate divide? ›

Division Math Formula

The formula to calculate the division of two numbers is: Dividend ÷ Divisor = Quotient + Remainder. The remainder is the leftover number in the division operation. If 46 is divided by 5, we get the quotient as 9 and the remainder 1.

Is 407 odd or even? ›

Odd Numbers from 401 to 500

401, 403, 405, 407, 409, 411, 413, 415, 417, 419, 421, 423, 425, 427, 429, 431, 433, 435, 437, 439, 441, 443, 445, 447, 449, 451, 453, 455, 457, 459, 461, 463, 465, 467, 469, 471, 473, 475, 477, 479, 481, 483, 485, 487, 489, 491, 493, 495, 497, 499.

What is an example of the long division method? ›

You could use long division for 180 ÷ 12 as we're dividing by two digits, but in this case it could be just as simple to use multiples of 12 to work it out. We know 12 x 5 = 60, and there are 3 lots of 60 in 180, so there must be 15 lots of 12 in 180. The answer is therefore 15 trays.

How to do long division with decimals step by step? ›

Therefore, the three steps to performing long division with decimals are: 1) eliminate the decimal from the divisor, if any; 2) perform long division as usual; and 3) use the same decimal place for the quotient as in the dividend.

How to divide in a calculator? ›

If you're using a physical calculator, the division key is likely "÷." For computer calculators, the division key is probably "/." Divide in a series by pressing "÷" or "/" followed by a number. For example, if your calculator says "2 ÷ 1," hit "÷," "2," and then "=" to get a final answer of "1."

What is dividing using long division? ›

Long Division is an instrument that allows you to divide large numbers into multiple smaller groups or parts. When we divide a dividend with a divisor, the quotient obtained is the number of groups that can be made, and the remainder identifies how many elements or numbers that will be left ungrouped.


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